The Genesis Girls' Bike is an ideal fit for the fashion-conscious little lady learning to ride her first two-wheeler. Color-matched removable training wheels help her gain confidence. This bike also has adjustable high-rise BMX style handlebars and the secure four-bolt stem of the Genesis Illusion bike will move as she grows. The seat height is also easily adjusted without tools, courtesy of the quick-release seat post clamp. A foot-activated rear coaster brake and front side pull handbrake keep speed under control for the new rider. The girls' 18" bike has low-profile tread street tires and a padded saddle that smooth out the ride. It has front axle pegs and a matching handlebar-mounted carrying bag that round out the package. The bike has a trendy blue and purple design that makes it highly visible. This exciting Genesis Girls' Bike will make a fun and functional addition to a child's toy collection with its quality blend of materials.
Genesis 18 In. Illusion Girl's Bike, Blue/Purple: